Saturday, May 26, 2012

4HR Body Tim Ferris Slow Carb Diet - Day 10 (Cheat Day)

As far as this diet goes, I had been pretty good in keeping up refraining from carbs. I try as much as possible not to stray to far from the goal.

I have not realized that it was already cheat day today. It wasn't until I went to the supermarket and my fiance asked me if I wanted to have a bag of chips. I love chips but I haven't one since I started this diet. I don't know if my fiance was trying to be supportive or kind or disruptive because he was the one who reminded me of my cheat day today. It was a mix of feelings when I realized it was cheat day. I was secretly happy because I do want those bag of chips so it was very timely to give in to some junk. At the same time, if my fiance hadn't reminded me of my cheat day I probably won't have finished the bag.

I decided I was just going to enjoy the cheat day. I suppose psychologically it would have made me less anxious about eating carbs. It is a cheat day after all, a kind of 'treat' after having spend the week without carbs so I was not going to beat myself about it anytime soon.



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