Another wet morning, which means another late morning which means no breakfast again. I really really really got to have the habit of getting up earlier. Waking up in the wee hours of morning is a real challenge as I am not a morning person at all though I do admire and aspire to be one of those early risers who wakes up do their workouts, eats their breakfast and plan for the day right.
For now, I am just not one of those. And this is not an early morning challenge though I will get to that soon. Not today it seems.
Lunch, is yesterday's chicken. I had half a chicken this time and because the sun was starting to come up I really do not want to walk out in the hot afternoon sun to get food. Also, protein is not cheap except maybe for eggs and I budget not to spend more that $10 a day for meals.
I do not seem to crave for carbs as yet but it is important that you pace your meals so you don't get overly hungry and when that happens you tend to want to eat anything on sight. It is not a matter of will power, it is a matter of physics I suppose, our body needs fuel.
I don't seem to post yesterday's meal so here it is today.
I won't be posting today's meal since it is pretty much the same. I was out of ACT energy drink so I only had BodyTrim in the evening. I don't see any difference in my weight as yet but it has just been a day so I suppose I'll take a week before my next weigh in.
So today I manage to squeeze in a little bit of exercises in the evening. I just recently purchase a pole for pole dancing. I find it to be quite fun, I hate exercises that are repetitive, it bores me. So last night I signed up for an online pole dancing lessons at That way, I have the privacy, comfort and convenience of home to brush up on my pole and fitness. I will probably share my progress on the pole as I go along.
Here's just briefly of what kind of exercises I did today with a little bit more pole work.
See you tomorrow, cheers!