Saturday, June 18, 2011

I am Cleaning up the Closet - How to fold a shirt in 2 seconds!

Having a tidy wardrobe is one of a constant challenge that I battle day in day out. Sorting out your clothes from the hundred of clothes that you have as you rush to get ready to get to work is a never ending battle. Laundry week, everything starts out neatly folded and pressed. Courtesy of dearest Mom. By mid week, I am lucky if it doesn't come up to a pile and start pouring out of the closet.

So is it such a god send that I stumble upon and ingenious and fun way to fold your laundry. For the sheer simplicity of it, my closet will look much neater (inside and out) as I strive to be a laundry whiz. Fingers crossed.

There are 2 ways. 

And this a homemade DIY version of the FlipFold.

Try each and let me know what you think.

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