Another (Peek) from Jeny's Closet.
Friend to Girlfriend...Ways and Steps...
I am particularly dear to male friends who always struggle to get the girl they want. Especially when the girls told them that they only see them as FRIENDS.
So here I explore some ways (tried and tested) I have used many times in guiding my dear male friends to finally get their girl and which I know has worked so well for many of them.
The fine line between a girl friend and a girlfriend lies in sexual attraction and flirting. If you haven't done some things to cause them to think sexual feelings about you, then most likely you will remain as their friend. Then again, do not come out of the blue and tell her you love her. That might make her feel as if you are too committed to her too soon.
It is not uncommon to find yourself in a situation where you like a girl as more than a friend, but what happens if she just likes you as a friend. You guys hang out, had a good time, she’s comfortable with you and she likes you. As a friend. No more no less. Bummer.
In some cases there is nothing you can do about this; however, if you can sow the seeds of erotic thought, without actually taking drastic or direct action, you may well find her becoming more attracted to you.
Guys, here’s how….
Don’t be Mr Nice Guy. The problem often lies in being nice, as many people are. This will give an impression that you are a great friend, but not a great lover. So you really need to flirt more. And if you don't think you are any good at flirting -- don't worry! Flirting is, and should be, playful and fun. Don’t play Friend play Flirt.
Joke around, be more playful, spend more time looking into their eyes or glancing at them "cutely" or "suggestively". If she gets creeped out by it, make a joke out of it, but make sure you're not coming across as a weirdo. It is ok if she gets a little uncomfortable because she caught you staring at her. That quick stolen glances you use to do when you check out a girl is fine. Keep doing that, she will get the idea eventually. You want to show her you like her more than a friend subtlely. Just don’t get psycho and overdo it.
Make physical contact 3 times every time you meet up with her. Each time you do, it should be about 2-3 seconds, somewhere like their hand, shoulder, or anywhere that's not too uncomfortable. You want to establish contact so she can get comfortable if she ever get ‘contacted’ by you. Get it?
Don't spend too much time around her. Don’t be eager beaver. Ever wonder why bad boys gets all the chicks? Because they let the chicks come to them. You MUST let her come to you. Spend lots of time, and then none for a while, then more again, and flirt while you are there. While you are gone, she is given a chance to think about you, which hopefully she will.
Take care of your appearance. Make sure you look good and don't smell bad. I don’t need to tell you why.
Be a friend to her when she is happy NOT sad. Why? This helps her to associate happiness with you. If you are successful in making her your girlfriend, that's when it becomes important to support her when she needs it. Remember, you are not her bitch. You don’t want to be the guy she came running to when she is sad and lonely and then runs off to some other dude when she’s all fine and dandy. She has girlfriends to do that for her. YOU want to be THE GUY not the other guy. Again, stop being Mr Nice Guy. Don’t be a doormat.
Tell her! The thing is to be flirtatious, and let things happen naturally. You are the Man, so be a Man…when you feel ready tell her! She needs to know. Tell her you want me a girl who feels most wanted and most desired will surrender to the guy who makes her feel that way the most.
Most important, get your mind out of the Friend zone. As long as you see yourself as a friend that is how she sees you.
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