Wednesday, May 16, 2012

4HR Body Tim Ferris Slow Carb Diet - Day 1

This post is long overdue so today of all days I decided to just get on it.



Here goes, I am doing the 4hr Body no carbs for the next 30 days. I didn’t do any preparation nor was I prepared mentally. I figured if I am going to stick to this kind of eating into a lifestyle then it should be an easy and relatively simple to do. Otherwise, I wouldn’t stick with it.



I woke up late this morning so I had to rush to get to work. Which means, no breakfast.  Tim Ferris suggests having breakfast half hour after you get up. Time which I do not have. So that’s the first mistake I made (actually the fact that I didn’t plan for this means I plan to fail but I am determined to prove that wrong heh.)

So no breakfast, I started off with a ACT energy drink when I got to the office. I was trying to wean off coffee and I needed a kickstart so ACT energy drink was perfect.

Lunch was a challenge. It was so hard to get a decent carb -free lunch. Rice and noodles are staples even bread so I decided to shop at Cold Storage to see if I can get some salad mix or whatever.

Cold Storage usually has some variety of choices where fresh produce are concern but the branch at China Square was deeply disappointing. Their salad mix was expensive it’s almost $8 for a single serving and you had to mix it up yourself, no dressing. The fact that there is no cooking involved, I just don’t’ understand why healthier food choices are more expensive than junk food. You can get 2 plates of chicken rice or a plate of steak for $8 here.  I decided not to get the salad only because I know if I took the time to plan and prepare, it would have been way cheaper with healthier dressing.

I decided to go for the roasted chicken from the deli for $7.60 and a pack of banana which I only then realize that part of the slow carb diet was that there should be absolutely not fruits heh. The entire chicken means I can have spread it out for 3 or 4 meals which is in line with the rule of “eating the same thing over and over again”. I had the deli lady cut in quarters for me. After  1 quarter of the chicken and 2 bananas, I am stuffed. I don’t know why as I was previously quite famished. The rest of the chicken I kept it in the fridge, I figured if I am hungry for dinner I can reheat it up again or snack on the bananas. I did however drank BodyTrim before I go to sleep just so I don't wake up in the middle of the night hungry and snacking.

What I love about the Tim Ferris Slow Carb diet is that you can possibly lose 20 pounds in 30 days without exercising. I love this! So while I do not rule out exercise in this challenge (I will include those exercises as I go along) it is less pressure for me to make exercise a priority everyday. Everyday for the next 30 days its just no white carbs, no fruit and lots of water which I think I can handle.




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