On 18th January 2011, a young girl in Egypt recorded a simple video expressing a radical thought and her hunger for change.
On 11 February 2011, President Hosni Mubarak announces his resignation.
Over a span of 24 days, little did we know that that simple video featuring a young girl, not famous not a celebrity...she can be like you and me, caught the attention of many from hundreds to thousands to millions and brought change to her country and rid of a government known to be corrupted.
What can we learn from this?
Yes, small things can cause big change.
When unity rules, politicians drools.
So I pondered about this, who really has power? Who really has control?
"Give the people control and we will use it"
The world has changed radically. Forever.
Who could have imagined that kids with cameras and internet connections could gather larger audiences than cable networks could. That they can bring down politicians and companies. And get this, they didn't do it by breaking rules. They operate by new rules.
Google Rules.
To be continued...