You don't have to rob a bank. Period.
Is it any wonder that the happiest couple seems to be able to do the most mundane things and still find joy in each other? I am all about the grand gestures but what I really appreciate is the special littlest things done in the most ordinary of days. I am no expert, merely just one who has been there and perhaps done that and sharing about the good, the bad and the downright ugly. The good has to be shared and the bad has to be warned? No?
When you’ve got a significant other, it is a challenge to keep the spark of your relationship alive and find ways to show you appreciate each other, every week and every day. Let me be on record, this article is to remind myself to practice what I preach to my significant other. Never to take him for granted and always ALWAYS be kind to each other, even at times when you wanna put a noose around his neck and push him off the edge of a cliff. Well, I can push him KINDLY, can’t I? *Evil Grin...
Here is what I call the Cheap Charlie method of dating because I believe you don’t need to break a bank to spend time with someone you love and I’m pretty sure some of you would recognized some of the things (or may have already done it) during the elusive ‘honeymoon period’.
Before we get into the list, let’s look at a few notes on how to use the list:
1. Weekly dates. Have a date at least once a week with your partner. It doesn’t have to be an expensive one, but at least find some way to spend a couple hours time together. If you’ve got kids, find a babysitter. This is nothing new but sadly rarely done.
2. Communicate. Romantic gestures don’t take the place of real communication. Take time to talk about your goals, your dreams, your plans for the future, your current lives, things you’re happy about, things you love about the other person, things you’d like to work on, things you’re grateful for. Hey, even arguing is a form of communication. Just keep it healthy and don’t get bitter.
3. Inspiration. This list contains a lot of obvious stuff — you could probably come up with twice as many good ideas yourself. But the list doesn’t aim for originality — it aims to be an inspiration. Pick and choose some good ideas, or use it to spark some of your own. Sometimes we just need a little reminder.
4. Forget Valentines. Boycott Valentine’s Day, as it makes people think they should be romantic on special occasions. Ladies, you and a million others are receiving flowers on the same day, how special can that be? Instead, pick one of these ideas and do it any day of the week — no need for a special occasion. Practice that with any other ‘special’ days...Mother’s Day, Father’s Day etc....You will realize everyday is a special day regardless of the celebration.
Let’s look at some ways to be romantic without breaking your budget;
1. Write a poem. I know. Its tacky but what is romance without the tackiness?
2. Cook dinner for each other. ...and then maybe dessert?
3. Give each other back rubs in private.
4. Pack a sunset picnic....or may be together the night before, yes?
5. Burn a CD with his/her favourite songs.
6. Read a book together.
7. Get warm on a rainy day.
8. Leave little love notes everywhere.
9. Send a love email every day.
10. Declare your love on Facebook. Or post love msgs on each other’s walls. Gutsy.
11. Take a walk on a nice night to nowhere.
12. Watch old comedies together or have an old movies marathon.
13. Take a bath together and scrub each other clean.
14. Take a walk down memory lane — visit some of the special places from your early days of dating.
15. Make a scrapbook with your silly photos and trips you have been to together.
16. Kiss in the rain. Please make sure you are not under lightning hazards.
17. Kiss in public.
18. Take a roller coaster ride.
19. Sneak away from a party and make out.
20. Bring home great take-out, have a food fest where you compare the best foods around.
21. Play a game on who makes each other laugh the most.
22. Slow dance to romantic music. Or make each other laugh with your silly dance moves.
23. Take a nap together.
24. Kiss slowly, touching his or her back and neck and nape — slowly.
25. Make a list of everything you love about him or her.
26. Send a love SMS.
27. Clip or email things that make you think of him or her, every day.
28. Go to a lousy movie, ignore the movie, and make out like teen-agers.
29. Groom yourself, and try to look good for your partner.
30. Take some quiet time and talk about your day.
31. Write little notes, one for each way he or she drives you crazy.
32. Pretend you’re going on a first date — and recreate the first time you were together.
33. Create a little box with a bunch of your partner’s favorite things inside.
34. Try some sexy role-playing. Get dressed up, be daring, have fun.
35. Sing a favorite song to him or her. Only do this if you can sing fairly well.
36. Hold hands, walk somewhere and bitch about other people.
37. Say I love you. In a different way, every day.
38. Blindfold your partner. Use a feather. Slowly.
39. Take pictures together in a candid funny way.
40. Play Sade. Do what comes naturally. Slowly.
Don’t take yourself too seriously and don’t take your partners too seriously either. Laugh with each other and have fun, whenever and wherever you are make the most of your time together. Life is too short to get petty.
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