Wednesday, April 6, 2011

An Academic's Delusion

Most corporate giants and MNCs is about about hiring the brightest Ph.D. academics and systems people on the planet. 
It makes sense right?

However, hiring every postgraduate they could get their hands on, they caused themselves a very big blindspot…

You could not even get an interview if you dropped out of college. So you wouldn't even consider the applications for the likes of say....

Mark Zuckerburg…

Steve Jobs…

Bill Gates?

Interesting and ironic that it is the intellectual individuals who quit school, drop out of college that seems to be the movers and shakers on this earth. This model has been repeated over the course of history over and over again.

It will take a long time for my academic friends to realize that chasing papers are just another of those writings on the wall.

There was a tectonic shift going on in the way we roll online.


Facebook was created by college dropouts and hackers. The majority of the world are not postgrads…


I advocate that one should pursue life long learning not so much of credentials made of paper but for the learning itself. Learning does not necessarily starts and end in a school or campus. In the end, it is not how far you study that the determines how you would influence the world nor would it indicate how far you would get ahead in life.


On a lighter note, wouldn't it be just awesome to 'Hack the Planet', topple the elites and monopoly-ism. I seriously don't mind.

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