Thursday, May 5, 2011

Where is the happy ending? PAP policies revisited.

Go through the list below and mark a tick for those that you agree. U weigh the severity of the problems and whether they will get worse after the election with another 1.5 millions foreigners coming so please, vote wisely.

PAP policies has sink many Singaporeans over the last 5 to 10 years. Those badly affected are now known as Sinkees. Many become the new Poor. 

PAP track records for the past 5 years: 

Purchasing power of Sinkees are now below Malaysia, Taiwan, HK, Russia, Australia. 

Highest productivity drop among developed nations. 

Average salary is dropping rapidly with the influx of FTs/FWs (Foreign Talents / Foreign Workers). Massive import of FTs and FWs is the fastest and easiest way to increase the GDP. MIWs' millions $ salaries and bonuses are tied to GDP growth rate 

Record Inflation rate. U can buy less things every month with the same dollars. 

Record high in property/living cost, doubled in 4 yrs. The younger generation without property cannot set up home and start a family. Many incur huge mortgage loans buying the flats at record high prices. They become assets rich but cash poor on retirement and put many people in debt for their entire lives. What will happen to these highly leveraged people when property market crash? U have to pay higher property tax even U don't rent out your property. 

Record low birth rate. They fail badly in fixing the birth rate and refuse to admit that long national service and reservist is the root cause of the problem beside the high cost of education. They open the floodgates to foreigners to fix the population. When more foreigners become citizens, the percentage of birth to population become even lower, simply because U got higher base. 

Record income gap between rich and poor among developed nations. 

Record high suicide rate. 

More crimes and suicides resulting from the 2 casinos. The 2 IR Dev with casinos will increase the GDP. When casinos make money, somebody will lose money. The winners are of course tax collector and the casinos. 

Record high COE. 

Every Road Pay (ERP) increase with more vehicles on the road. U drive here and there, U pay! 

Record high housing debts. 

Record high tertiary education fees and raising education costs. Some 30% of university places taken up by foreigners at the expense of Singaporeans. Many Singaporeans are forced to study overseas using the parents savings. Even U got good results, they bar you from taking certain course where U are interested. Scholarships for foreigners at taxpayers expense. Many students because of the 2nd language cannot enter universities. Many students have to spend disproportionate amount of time on the 2nd language just to enter universities forgoing better grades on other subjects. We have a screw-up education system Teachers and scholarship holder got sex offences! Foreign students get to study here for free, with pocket money??

Increase CPF minimum sum requirement every year. 

Record number of blatant denials and remarks from Ministers/MPs/YPAP. Refuse to admit mistakes and correct them. They are incorrigible and arrogant. 

Disgraceful acts by Young PAP cadres and MOE staff. 

More stabbing and loanshark incidents. 

Half-hearted consecutive failures in curbing property speculation. The problem is they allowed PRs to buy HDB flats. 

Record $50B loss by Temasek Holdings without accountability and some say $100B including GIC. 

CPF Withdrawal age increase. Those need to tap on the CPF to tide over have to go out and work as cleaners, hawker assistants, sweepers, etc. CPF Life - U die early, U lose out. Too bad, the majority will be dead by 80 years. 

Youth Olympic Games (YOG) is 3 times over the budget. Spend hundreds of millions dollars to win some medals and invite foreigners to come here to compete for jobs with Sinkees. Feed Dog Food to our Singaporean volunteers. 

U have to work harder, cheaper, faster and better to compete with foreigners. 

No safety net for those who can't make it. 

Means testing for hospitals are introduced. It is cheaper to die than to get sick. It is cheaper to send your aged parents to JB to get subsidy from the Malaysia government! Our NSF men is drawing a pathetic monthly allowance and has to co-pay for class ward charges when warded in our government hospital for non service injury. Many poor have to resort to self-medication. No money really have to die! 

National Service, remedial training, ICT for our male citizens. U are given heavy shoes to run against foreigners who are given scholarships, citizenships and lighter shoes to run. Can we start by treating our reservists better? This will lessen the discrimination AGAINST our own male citizens. Those old soldiers who serve 2 to 2.5 years of NS and reservist are long forgotten when coming to rewarding them. Only worth $100 more when they do handout! 

Grouping of PRs and Citizens as "local" in various statistics eg unemployment. 

U stay in private property or bigger flats, U get less handouts even though U are unemployed. U better downgrade to a smaller flat to gain maximum benefits! 

Use foreigners backsides as their face to win games. Foreigners spoiling the reputation of Singaporeans from their behavour by spitting and littering all over the place. 

Once U are retrenched, U cannot get a higher paying job. Many engineers, managers and directors become taxi drivers. Hahaha, $2500 is just enough to keep your stomach full and to pay your bills provided U already owned a roof over your head. 

Mas Selamat escaped under the watch of Wong Kang Seng. Highly paid people sleeping on the job! 

Corruption and nepotism are rising. MPs become independent directors of so many listed companies. They have no time to take care of their constituency. Many cash rich companies got accounts problems when the auditors found out only a few years later that the cash is not there. Many China S stocks are con stocks and not to mention the junk companies are listed so that the insiders can offload shares to the retails. 

The Government has no solutions to the problems they have created. The elites said it is not the Government responsibility to solve your problems. All the empty promises from last election. 

The only answer they have is more foreigners to make Sinkees work harder, cheaper, faster and better. The objective is to raise the GDP so that they can get 8 months bonus and 30% pay increment. 

PM salary quietly increased from $1.2 millions from 2005 to $3.2 millions in 2011. After this election, PM pay will be increased to match the President pay of $4.2 millions. May be $10 millions by the next election if you give them the mandate again. 

After so much foreigner imported, we see that the problems are worsening. Pathways, bus, trains, hospitals, polyclinics, etc are packed like sardine. U needed to wait for months to get a dental treatment or see a specialist. Foreign doctors flooding government hospitals, polyclinics and dental clinics. All of doubtful quality. With demand surging due to foreigners arrival, they take advantage to jack up prices to curb local demand. It just meant that more foreigners is Not the answer. It is the problem! 

PAP has no solutions to the problems created by them. The PAP Elite system simply does not work anymore. The elite system allows them to pay millions $ to themselves, 8 months bonus and 30% pay increase based on jacking up GDP using foreigners at innate population expense. They want solutions from the unelected opposition! They should be happy if the opposition can just point out the problems created by them. 

If more opposition candidates enter Parliament, the PM have to spend more time fixing the opposition. More government machinery will have to be deployed to demolish the opposition! Last resort is to call in the army! It becomes the corruption of the highest degree! Where is justice and human rights? 

Vote for change.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Vote for Change. Watch this video.

What happened to our grandparents future? Some of them are collecting cardboards and work as cleaners to earn a day's living. This is present day situation.

The future for our parents? "Rent out your old flats and move in with your children".

Our future? This is what they tell us, opt to stay in nursing homes in Johor. Perhaps a more logical solution if we lose our jobs to foreigners in our own country and cannot afford housing. 

Our children? 

Vote for change.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Top 5 Must Have Apps for the iPhone photographer


I just found 5 more reasons why I love my iPhone.

With technology, it is now harder to separate if a photograph was taken by a professional or a kid who went trigger happy with his iphone camera.

Well, not with these apps anyway.

I too was trigger happy and spend the afternoon comparing the picture effects with Fofo the bear as my test subject.

No wonder, my friend's album look so good on Facebook.

So here goes, top 5 in my opinion to create those professional looking albums. I've limit them to 5 from the hundreds out there as I find these easy to use and have the variety that I was looking for. If you know any better ones, please share them with me.

1. Pudding camera (Free) - The instructions are in Korean which is a bummer but like any other iphone app the usage is very instinctive and easy to use. They have 8 cameras and 8 films that result in 64 different effects.

2. Photoshop Express (Free) - Need I say more? You don't need to edit your pictures in your pc no longer, it can be done right in your iphone.

3. Colour Splash - On photographs that you may wish to highlight certain colours and hide all others.

4. Camera+ - If its not for some packs that requires purchase, this app will be the only tool you need in your iphone. Couple this with the pudding camera and your choice of effects will be endless.

5. Hisptamatic - To recreate those old photographhs look with analogue camera effects. Very vintage.

Images of FoFo the bear with apps from my iphone camera.

Available at the App Store. 





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