Sunday, June 26, 2011

You've Got to Find What You Love

This is written on a lazy Sunday morning.

See I woke up today, not really knowing what to do. I check my facebook, emails still lounging around in bed not really knowing what to do. I've got some plans to go out today but nothing was really planned out.

I don't know how it happened but I was just browsing through Google, looking for interesting articles to read till I stumble and article about a speech made by Steve Jobs in 2005. It was addressed to a group of graduating college students and as I was reading it, it felt like I can almost feel like Steve Job was present in my room with me, talking to me.

We all had our fair share of disappointments and failures but what sets some people apart from all the others, who eventually turns out successful and happy and loved and complete. They keep moving. They don't give up and most importantly they found what they love. It is very hard to give up on something that you love.

Steve Jobs views on death, faith, moving forward and connecting the dots was something that I've always had a hold on. Clearly, we dont share the same successes but I am comforted that someone so successful as him had the same thoughts as me. I won't elaborate the speech, I hope you will read it and I hope that you will find something in there that will resonates with you as it did with me.

I also would like to dedicate this speech to one that I love and that I hope that you will find what you seek. That may you find the strength to see within yourself the real potential you bear vs the fake confidence you wear.


Click here for Steve Job's transcript.



Saturday, June 18, 2011

I am Cleaning up the Closet - How to fold a shirt in 2 seconds!

Having a tidy wardrobe is one of a constant challenge that I battle day in day out. Sorting out your clothes from the hundred of clothes that you have as you rush to get ready to get to work is a never ending battle. Laundry week, everything starts out neatly folded and pressed. Courtesy of dearest Mom. By mid week, I am lucky if it doesn't come up to a pile and start pouring out of the closet.

So is it such a god send that I stumble upon and ingenious and fun way to fold your laundry. For the sheer simplicity of it, my closet will look much neater (inside and out) as I strive to be a laundry whiz. Fingers crossed.

There are 2 ways. 

And this a homemade DIY version of the FlipFold.

Try each and let me know what you think.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

I had a Dream....


I was a little girl alone in my little world who dreamed of a little home for me. 
I played pretend between the trees, and fed my houseguests bark and leaves, and laughed in my pretty bed of green. 

I had a dream 
That I could fly from the highest swing. 
I had a dream. 

Long walks in the dark through woods grown behind the park, I asked God who I'm supposed to be. 
The stars smiled down on me, God answered in silent reverie. I said a prayer and fell asleep. 

I had a dream 
That I could fly from the highest tree. 
I had a dream. 

Now I'm old and feeling grey. I don't know what's left to say about this life I'm willing to leave. 
I lived it full and I lived it well, there's many tales I've lived to tell. I'm ready now, I'm ready now, I'm ready now to fly from the highest wing. 

I had a dream

Friday, June 3, 2011

Test post

Surprisingly, my time in the train to work this morning is productive. On a friday? I must seriously get a life.

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